
Linux-Tools for AT91xx based GPS-Loggers

At least one user reported, that there is the same firmware problem like one year ago with tracks from Dec 31th. They show a wrong year (2034). It should be the same with the Windows software. At least after you erase all track data from your device the new recorded tracks should be ok again.

Download here.

See also: There is also a Python based GUI tool from Michael Strecke: itrackutil (Website, Blog), 2009/11/22

Currentlly the following devices are supported:

They are all Perl scripts.  The tools are: - read out the loggers configuration and memory, capability to erase the track data stored in the logger - convert the memory dump into several formats

Please read the changelog for the latest news and informations.

You use this tools on your own risk. I am not responsible if you destroy data, computers or GPS devices with it.

You find the license here.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


You need Linux. It should work with all current distrubutions. It is reported, that it works with Windows/Cygwin and MacOS too. Because the tools are Perl scripts you need Perl. It should be already installed on your system.

Reading out the loggers memory

Simply type -a to do all automatically. On MacOS X try to add the option -m to skip the stty-based not portable serial device initialization. You should get an output like this:

Searching for USB device files in /dev
Skipping /dev/usb/tts because it does not exist

Found USB devices:

Trying to talk to the USB device(s)
 Set /dev/ttyUSB0 to mode 8N1 raw using the stty system command
 Opened /dev/ttyUSB0
 Device /dev/ttyUSB0 answered with 'WP GPS+BT'
 *** fine, /dev/ttyUSB0 is it ***

USB device talk test finished

Getting device information and configuration data from the logger
 Type          : BT-CD100
 Chipset       : Nemerix
 Serial No.    : 1946
 Hardware Rev. : (detection not yet supported)
 Firmware Rev. : (detection not yet supported)
 Sensitivity   : 1 (middle)
 Tag           : 0 (off)
 Time-Step     : unused
 Distance-Step : 100 meter
Based on Distance-Step there will fit about 24960 km into the logger

Reading memory
 3401952 Bytes read
Writing 3401936 Bytes to
All done.

You have now a file named iTU4l_<curret_date>.sr on your disk. Note that the count of bytes readed and the size of the resulting memory dump file is smaller than the usual files unter Windows. This is because the logger stops sending his memory dump at an unforeseeably position, if the memory is not completely full. This is not a problem as far as I experienced.

If this failes type without any command line switches to see the Usage explanation. Read and understand it. Possibly your USB device was not autorecognized. Double-check the steps in the USB tutorial.

Issue with new devices:

If you read out a new device, on which the configuration settings (time- or distance step) where never touched yet, it is reported, that the configuration reported by this tool are scrambled. This is not a problem and disappears, if you once wrote new settings into the logger. Currently writing is not yet supported by this tool, so you have to use the windows tool for that. Reason for that behavior seems, that on new devices the configuration area in the memory is empty and will be filled on first write of settings. Until than the firmware uses the internal default settings.

Convert the memory dump to another format

First type without any command line switches to see the Usage explanation. Read and understand it. Make sure, which type of logger you have: XAiOX iTrackU with Nemerix chipset, XAiOX iTrackU with SIRFIII chipset or Gisteq PhotoTrackr. Use option -i with your type as arument, if you not have the default XAiOX iTrackU with Nemerix chipset.

Then type print

to see a track points list or kml

to write out a kml-file for Google Earth or csv

to write out a csv-file like the original Windows tools do. Because I experienced, that ist csv-file does not fit perfect nor into english nor german Excel, I added two improved csv-formats: ecsv dcsv

for english and german (deutsches) Excel.

Trackmaker and Raw (NMEA) are not yet supported. Feel free to add support for this formats.

Use option -b YYMMDDHHMMSS and -e YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to set time/date limits.

Use option -d to split the output files into daily pieces.

Use option -z <diff> to convert the GMT date and time from the logger to your local time, if the export format not uses GMT

Use option -i <type> to select the input format:


Please send any feedback, especially improvments to iTU4l⟨ΑΤ⟩

Thanks to...

22.10.2011, iTU4l⟨ΑΤ⟩